Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Clinging to the Familiar!

So with a lot of the things that are going on at the moment I was really blessed by this mornings Word for Today 
"Clinging to the familiar just buys you comfort today at tomorrow's expense. Draw on God's grace, plunge in and take the bull by the horns! Fourth, learn to live with uncertainty."
I know that as willing as I am to sometimes go in a direction that God is leading I often get into that situation and get comfortable with the familiar. Lord help me to Draw more on your grace and to live with uncertainty but cling to the certainty of who you are for me. Make me more like you Lord whatever it takes.

Sunday, May 08, 2011


So I know its been a while since my last post but things have been really hectic for me here at the school of mission aviation technology. I have recently completed my Instrument rating (no that doesn't mean I can carry instruments!!!) and I have also just gotten my Airframe mechanics license. SO progress is definitely being made.
Talking of progress my recent experience with trying to grow some vegetables has prompted this post. I have just spent part of my weekend (or weedend) weeding, tilling, planting and watering. I have decided I love how much time that affords you to think and ponder and speak to the big man, if you know what I mean. I was thinking initially how amazing the whole put a seed in the ground and it grows thing but also the work an effort that goes into seeing real fruit but also how little effort (dont worry Ill explain in a bit). 
So the miracle of the seed thing I figure Ill just leave that down to God to understand (dont worry I dont need a birds and bees talk either and I understand the science but just think its amazing). However I was thinking how the effort that goes into planting is fairly big as the photo above shows though I had some mechanical help too (oh yeah the shiny stuff in front of the tiller is cow manure!). You have to weed the garden and that is no easy task then till the soil and make sure that is has the right combination of nitrates, alkalies, poop and all that other technical stuff. Then choose the right crop and where best to put it for drainage and sunlight then set out the rows then put in seeds and water it. Then continue to keep the area clear of weeds and well watered. That I was thinking is similar to what some areas of our lives are like really and our walk with God. You see I believe it takes a conscious effort to follow after God, not that it is or should be a chore but in order to see fruit in our lives we have to put in the ground work and if you never plant seeds then all you get is weeds. Like the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 seed the key ingredients for growth is a farmer sowing and good soil.
However there is a contrast or dichotomy (not sure if this is the right word but I sound intelligent right?). You see the amazing thing about our walk with God and relationship is just like the seed a miracle. That just like I said God causes things to grow that without him being involved in our lives it leads to dead and dry ground. There are times in our lives when things dont go as planned and our fruit doesnt seem as we expected but that is because God is ultimately in charge. Then sometimes God shows us a glimpse of His fruit in our lives. Personally I cannot begin to understand how and why God has brought me safe thus far. That he who gave everything and me who deserves nothing ends up seeing HIS fruit develop. Wow Lord thank you for what you have done in my life and allowing me to  be doing what I believe you have called me to do and be.
Then the next part of it is that we are meant to spread the very seeds from the fruit he has placed in our life. We need to see the harvest and invest in the harvest because the two greatest commandments are to "Love the lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and the second is like it Love your neighbor as yourself" It is HIS love in and through us that never fails to produce growth and fruit that lasts in our lives and should also bless the lives of others around us.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

New year thoughts

So I know Christmas is over and done with but I thought Id fill u in on some of my Christmas thoughts. I was really blessed to be able to spend Christmas with some friends on a beautiful ranch in the Montana mountains. I was away from family but this also gave me more time to think on the reason for Christmas and to reflect on 2010 and look towards 2011.
I read Luke 1 and was reminded of how Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins but that he did this so that all the Glory could go to God not that we may live on easy street but that he name would be exulted.
I was also struck by the Angels comment and Marys response

37For nothing will be impossible with God." 38And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.

So I guess as I look behind to 2010 I can indeed say that nothing is impossible with God and pray that I will have that faith for the year ahead. Also that my response to Him this year my be just as Mary's was 2011 years ago.

Lord I am your servant and so let it be to me according to YOUR word.

The beautiful view from my lodge that I stayed at for Christmas.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My First ever Hand prop!!

This is something I learned here at the School of Mission Aviation Technology great fun if a little nerve racking!! Just in case your wandering the plane can fly............If dropped off a cliff!! If you wanna see how not to do it check out this old school video of a dude who had his wife at the controls and didn't have a clue what she was doing!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

A lesson on this fragile life

So I have been recently reminded about how short life could be and this makes me think about what I do with mine. Below is a local news clip of the final result of two friends who were in a plane crash after an engine failure. They crash landed the plane successfully and walked away with minor scratches even after a small fire on the wing tip. It is a timely reminder not only for me to be prepared for any emergencies that may occur in the air but also to make sure that my life is prepared and in line with our heavenly father. None of us know when our time here on earth will end so are you ready for when that comes? God is sovereign and in charge and can take us at anytime. I pray that I would be found in his will and that you may know of your standing with your heavenly Father.

Monday, August 23, 2010

So just started reading this book and it is MAZIN, well kinda it is great but it also really challenges so it is a double edged sword! I have added a few quotes taken from this book on my quotes page. The initial chapters are about the Author Richard Stearns reluctantly following Gods leading to become the World Vision CEO with incredible stories of how God was leading but how reluctant he was to follow. Aren't we all that way? I know I am.
I wanted to touch on one quote that has challenged me the most so far (I'm only on page 67) that is one by John MacArthur
"The true Gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment"
That challenged me because I am often moping about how I am struggling with things (like just last May) and when I am not complaining I am fulfilling myself instead of denying my self. This is not a I have to deny myself food and water and flog myself but to deny the things that the world says I should have. I have be aware recently that I have over a number of years compromised in the small things and this can lead to apathy a dulling of my conscious and can lead even further down a slippery path.
I need to remember what other people who follow the Master go through, persecution, torture and even death, that is true self-denial!
I dont want to say this in some ways as I dont know where it will lead but here it goes;

          "Lord teach me self-denial"

Monday, August 02, 2010

Keeping your eyes fixed
So you are probably wandering what this image has to do with fixing our eyes on Jesus but bear with me there is reason to my madness. I have been very easily distracted these last few days because I have taken my eyes off of the prize and so easily been put off by looking at everyone else situations. We as people often do this in a physical sense like above and although I have put on a little weight being here in the US that's not what has been distracting me. However I seem to compare in other ways like oh look at how blessed they seem to be or how God has provided for them. They seem to have this life of following Jesus sorted, blessed with a relationship or a sweet job or doing incredible things as they serve God. They don't seem to struggle with anything!
Now to my thoughts on this. I am always one for looking at others to inspire us and push us on towards the prize and in fact I would encourage it. That is if by doing so you are not missing the point, the Bible is full of stories of people missing the point. I think that the best person to compare ourselves to is Jesus and look to him to help us to be more like him. In fact it becomes possible to thank God for all that he is doing in others lives and all that he has done for you over the years. Again like with most things in a relationship with the J man it is all about trust, in fact the core of any relationship. Lord I know that you know what your doing in their lives but also that you are in control of mine. Finally to realise that there is no SMI (spiritual mass index) other than where God wants you right here right now. The only scales we need to sit on are with God on the other side and that we will never weigh in but he makes that right.
Anywho may not make sense but this blog is a Blurb on my thoughts so take it or leave it.