Monday, August 23, 2010

So just started reading this book and it is MAZIN, well kinda it is great but it also really challenges so it is a double edged sword! I have added a few quotes taken from this book on my quotes page. The initial chapters are about the Author Richard Stearns reluctantly following Gods leading to become the World Vision CEO with incredible stories of how God was leading but how reluctant he was to follow. Aren't we all that way? I know I am.
I wanted to touch on one quote that has challenged me the most so far (I'm only on page 67) that is one by John MacArthur
"The true Gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment"
That challenged me because I am often moping about how I am struggling with things (like just last May) and when I am not complaining I am fulfilling myself instead of denying my self. This is not a I have to deny myself food and water and flog myself but to deny the things that the world says I should have. I have be aware recently that I have over a number of years compromised in the small things and this can lead to apathy a dulling of my conscious and can lead even further down a slippery path.
I need to remember what other people who follow the Master go through, persecution, torture and even death, that is true self-denial!
I dont want to say this in some ways as I dont know where it will lead but here it goes;

          "Lord teach me self-denial"

Monday, August 02, 2010

Keeping your eyes fixed
So you are probably wandering what this image has to do with fixing our eyes on Jesus but bear with me there is reason to my madness. I have been very easily distracted these last few days because I have taken my eyes off of the prize and so easily been put off by looking at everyone else situations. We as people often do this in a physical sense like above and although I have put on a little weight being here in the US that's not what has been distracting me. However I seem to compare in other ways like oh look at how blessed they seem to be or how God has provided for them. They seem to have this life of following Jesus sorted, blessed with a relationship or a sweet job or doing incredible things as they serve God. They don't seem to struggle with anything!
Now to my thoughts on this. I am always one for looking at others to inspire us and push us on towards the prize and in fact I would encourage it. That is if by doing so you are not missing the point, the Bible is full of stories of people missing the point. I think that the best person to compare ourselves to is Jesus and look to him to help us to be more like him. In fact it becomes possible to thank God for all that he is doing in others lives and all that he has done for you over the years. Again like with most things in a relationship with the J man it is all about trust, in fact the core of any relationship. Lord I know that you know what your doing in their lives but also that you are in control of mine. Finally to realise that there is no SMI (spiritual mass index) other than where God wants you right here right now. The only scales we need to sit on are with God on the other side and that we will never weigh in but he makes that right.
Anywho may not make sense but this blog is a Blurb on my thoughts so take it or leave it.