Saturday, October 23, 2010

My First ever Hand prop!!

This is something I learned here at the School of Mission Aviation Technology great fun if a little nerve racking!! Just in case your wandering the plane can fly............If dropped off a cliff!! If you wanna see how not to do it check out this old school video of a dude who had his wife at the controls and didn't have a clue what she was doing!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

A lesson on this fragile life

So I have been recently reminded about how short life could be and this makes me think about what I do with mine. Below is a local news clip of the final result of two friends who were in a plane crash after an engine failure. They crash landed the plane successfully and walked away with minor scratches even after a small fire on the wing tip. It is a timely reminder not only for me to be prepared for any emergencies that may occur in the air but also to make sure that my life is prepared and in line with our heavenly father. None of us know when our time here on earth will end so are you ready for when that comes? God is sovereign and in charge and can take us at anytime. I pray that I would be found in his will and that you may know of your standing with your heavenly Father.

Monday, August 23, 2010

So just started reading this book and it is MAZIN, well kinda it is great but it also really challenges so it is a double edged sword! I have added a few quotes taken from this book on my quotes page. The initial chapters are about the Author Richard Stearns reluctantly following Gods leading to become the World Vision CEO with incredible stories of how God was leading but how reluctant he was to follow. Aren't we all that way? I know I am.
I wanted to touch on one quote that has challenged me the most so far (I'm only on page 67) that is one by John MacArthur
"The true Gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment"
That challenged me because I am often moping about how I am struggling with things (like just last May) and when I am not complaining I am fulfilling myself instead of denying my self. This is not a I have to deny myself food and water and flog myself but to deny the things that the world says I should have. I have be aware recently that I have over a number of years compromised in the small things and this can lead to apathy a dulling of my conscious and can lead even further down a slippery path.
I need to remember what other people who follow the Master go through, persecution, torture and even death, that is true self-denial!
I dont want to say this in some ways as I dont know where it will lead but here it goes;

          "Lord teach me self-denial"

Monday, August 02, 2010

Keeping your eyes fixed
So you are probably wandering what this image has to do with fixing our eyes on Jesus but bear with me there is reason to my madness. I have been very easily distracted these last few days because I have taken my eyes off of the prize and so easily been put off by looking at everyone else situations. We as people often do this in a physical sense like above and although I have put on a little weight being here in the US that's not what has been distracting me. However I seem to compare in other ways like oh look at how blessed they seem to be or how God has provided for them. They seem to have this life of following Jesus sorted, blessed with a relationship or a sweet job or doing incredible things as they serve God. They don't seem to struggle with anything!
Now to my thoughts on this. I am always one for looking at others to inspire us and push us on towards the prize and in fact I would encourage it. That is if by doing so you are not missing the point, the Bible is full of stories of people missing the point. I think that the best person to compare ourselves to is Jesus and look to him to help us to be more like him. In fact it becomes possible to thank God for all that he is doing in others lives and all that he has done for you over the years. Again like with most things in a relationship with the J man it is all about trust, in fact the core of any relationship. Lord I know that you know what your doing in their lives but also that you are in control of mine. Finally to realise that there is no SMI (spiritual mass index) other than where God wants you right here right now. The only scales we need to sit on are with God on the other side and that we will never weigh in but he makes that right.
Anywho may not make sense but this blog is a Blurb on my thoughts so take it or leave it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Ever Lasting God

Lord I do not understand you ways, they are higher than mine,
I cannot see those things that are as clear as day to you.
The blurry and unclear is like a crystal clear morning view to you
therefore knowing that you are the ever lasting God and that you will not grow weary or faint
I will Trust.
Though things are unclear and the way ahead seems fraught with trials and snares
I know that you alone can make me soar on wings like eagles

These words above are often how I feel particularly in this new season but
Isaiah 40:28-31 gives me peace and strength

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Flight training Update

For those of you who read this, not many but it may get to some of you? Here is a video I put together to show what I have been up too these last 4 months or so and why I am here in Ionia. For those of you who dont know Ionia is a tiny little place and when I first got here I drove through the town, quickly. Then I thought oh boy what have I done!
But I am here for a reason for a purpose that I believe is exactly where I should be, even if I doubt at times!
So let me know what you think of the video and thanks for your support and prayers if you have been supporting me. If not then you can, just get in touch and find out the ways you can pray for me, support me and encourage me!

Flight training Update and Vision from Jonathan Lake on Vimeo.

That's not meant to happen!

So I have found my self saying this phrase a few times this last two weeks or so, if not exactly that then maybe more like "Thats not right God its just not fair."
I felt justified saying that, firstly something happened that brought up insecurities in my life and made me question if God is in control. Then things have not gone according to plan financially for me either the weak pound is killing me here in the good ol US of A. The US doesnt seem to want to let me work so that makes life harder. Then the Cherry on the cake was I found that my dad had lost his job in a way that I dont think is right.
So God what is up cant you give us a break, my parents have tried all their lives to honour you and put you first and the reason they are still paying off their mortgage is because they put him first! Its not right God its not meant to happen like that! I took it to him and let him know, oh and my mums health is not good either. Plenty of times in the past I have thought people cant go in the huff when things dont go their way, but this is different?
Then this morning I read in 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 (its great take a read) these two parts
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Wow ok God I get it, then I heard this song below as well and that challenged me even more, particularly these words
"How could I doubt your goodness, your wisdom your grace, Oh Lord hear my heart in this painful place"
Whhhhaaaaaaaamy! Lord how can I doubt you? You have been faithful all along even when I stumble and fall you remain. Lord let me trust you more and sing a broken hallelujah!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Flight training soon to begin....I Hope?!

Well I am sat at the table in my new (temporary) home in Ionia, Michigan writing this and waiting for the US government to give me the go ahead for my flight training.

As I look out side the snow covers most things including my awesome car that I was blessed with by my second family the Wolfords. I am sat surrounded by study books full of information, laws, many abbreviated words and much much more!

Why you might ask? To pursue where I believe God is calling me to do mission flying in Africa. See this website for a bit more of an idea of what that might entail if you don't know (it is amazing the different areas God is using people).

These photos are of the airport where I will train as a pilot and an A&P technician and the BEAAST that I will start my flight training in, YEEEEHAAAAAAW!
Niagara in the Winter!
Well I thought I would just show a few pictures of my brief trip to Niagara Falls in the winter, it was awesome how the ice had built up and I would have more pics if my camera hadn't frozen to DEATH!!This me actually standing on the Niagara River, Cool!

You can see how the ice built up

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Change A-foot

Well having spent a little over two years in London doing youth work I find things changing once again. I am leaving on the 26th of Jan to go to Ionia Michigan, which most people have never heard of!!
I will be studying at the School of Mission Aviation Technology (SMAT) with the aim of qualifying as a mission pilot and maintenance engineer. To do something like these videos

MAF and Flying mission is just two of many flying operations working in Africa to help the lost and the least to bring the good new of the Gospel and to share God love practically. I am hoping to be back here a little more often but then I always say that!
The Journey continues and God is as always faithful and the lifter of my head.

We must Go Live to feed the hungry stand beside the broken, we must go.
Stepping forward keep us from just singing move us into action. We must Go!

Lets see where this goes!