Monday, August 23, 2010

So just started reading this book and it is MAZIN, well kinda it is great but it also really challenges so it is a double edged sword! I have added a few quotes taken from this book on my quotes page. The initial chapters are about the Author Richard Stearns reluctantly following Gods leading to become the World Vision CEO with incredible stories of how God was leading but how reluctant he was to follow. Aren't we all that way? I know I am.
I wanted to touch on one quote that has challenged me the most so far (I'm only on page 67) that is one by John MacArthur
"The true Gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment"
That challenged me because I am often moping about how I am struggling with things (like just last May) and when I am not complaining I am fulfilling myself instead of denying my self. This is not a I have to deny myself food and water and flog myself but to deny the things that the world says I should have. I have be aware recently that I have over a number of years compromised in the small things and this can lead to apathy a dulling of my conscious and can lead even further down a slippery path.
I need to remember what other people who follow the Master go through, persecution, torture and even death, that is true self-denial!
I dont want to say this in some ways as I dont know where it will lead but here it goes;

          "Lord teach me self-denial"

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