What is fullness of life? What does it look like? Jesus came that we may have life and life in a its fullness.
I guess that when we are living according to his word our lives should be a testament to all that God has done for us and doing through us. That doesn't mean we don't suffer but that in those sufferings we are able to keep God in the picture.
A good life today for most people often looks like a nice house, car, a loving family and the perfect job. But I wonder if these are the trappings that prevent us getting to that fullness of life. Not that they are wrong but that when we have these things we feel we have obtained that fullness of life.
I imagine that a life totally surrendered to God is the route to fullness I once heard someone say that this was all about Peace or Shalom as it is in the Hebrew. That a Shalom in every aspect of life is what God intended. Obviously there was a lot more depth to it than that but that was the gist of it.