Sunday, July 02, 2006

I have decided to do this blog stuff mainly to keep my friends up to date with what I am up to. As I am sure will happen my blog will probably contain more pictures than text cause “That how I roll” (Anchorman).

I am in Nashville Tennessee at the moment till December I am here doing a school of youth ministry. This basically means that I will be able to be better equipped to work with young people when I am finished. I hope to be involved in something like the picture below which is a snap of a youth conference that I attended here in the US (Obviously I would like to do one in the UK).

I got to chill with Peter Furler from the Newsboys ( )their gig was awesome with their drummer spinning round on a turn table and at a 90 degree angle (the video below gives you an idea of what it looked like, sound isnt to hot though).

I also saw Pettidee ( or a real gangster (see his picture below with my homee Jeremy) he was well good an I was dippin to his rowdy beats like a true breathern.

My new pad is fairly lush an banging as you can see there is a swimming pool, tennis courts, gym and a sauna. SWEEEEEET!!!!

Pablo (one of my housemates) an I mainly play soccer tennis on these courts!! Got to get some footy in here somewhere.

Our flat is one of the ground floor flats in this block.